All About Grub Control: Timing, Benefits & Costs of Handling Lawn Grubs

When it comes to destructive lawn pests, grubs are high on the list.

That’s because these voracious creatures are born in the soil and feed on your lawn’s roots. This destruction can be going on right under your nose without you even knowing. It may not be until your lawn turns brown and dies that you realize there’s a problem…and at that point, it’s too late.

That’s why we emphasize the importance of lawn grub control…or more specifically, grub prevention. You should address grubs before they have the chance to feast on your lawn like it’s a 24/7 buffet.

We know that grubs are a source of stress for homeowners and we don’t want you to worry. For that reason, we’re answering all of your questions about professional grub control including timing, benefits, and cost.

This is a vital service and we want you to get the most out of it.

What are Lawn Grubs?

First and foremost, let’s explain what you might be dealing with. We know that a lot of people have heard of grubs but don’t entirely understand what they are.

Grubs, white grubs, or lawn grubs are all names for the larval form of the beautiful scarab beetle species. While the adults are gorgeous, their immature grub forms are ugly and downright dangerous for your lawn.

lawn grubs in exposed soil

These caterpillar-like forms are white with brown heads and they often curl up like a “C” when disturbed.

As we mentioned at the start, grubs feed on grassroots, detaching your grass blades from their lifeline to water and nutrients. Your lawn cannot survive without its root system. Grubs also feast on organic nutrients in the soil, depriving the lawn of valuable nutrition.

What are the Signs of Grub Damage?

Grub lawn damage looks like big, irregular dead patches of turf. These are areas where the grubs have detached your grassroots, which prevents your lawn from receiving water and nutrients. In turn, these sections of grass die.

You might even notice that your lawn “rolls up” like a carpet in these sections. Or, it may come out easily when tugged on since it’s no longer firmly rooted to the ground.

Once those brown patches appear, those sections of lawn won’t be growing back. You’ll need aeration and overseeding services to fill in those bare spots.

Because grubs are a common food source for many creatures like birds and moles, sometimes homeowners notice increased animal activity on their lawns before they notice brown patches.

crow tearing up a lawn to feed on grubs (CC)

If you suddenly have a lot of animals hanging around your turf, it’s possible you have grubs at the sub-surface level. This can lead to secondary damage as moles or other digging creatures tunnel through your yard in search of food.

It’s important to note that even though lawn grub control will eliminate a food source for pests like moles if you have a serious mole problem, it may need to be addressed separately. That’s because even though many of these pests enjoy grubs, there are plenty of other creatures they’ll also eat in your lawn (including earthworms, which are beneficial to the soil).

How Can Grub Control Products Help?

If you’re worried about lawn grubs, then you need a solution that will work.

Grub control is any method or product used to prevent or eliminate grubs. Because grubs are a “sub-surface pest,” they are often tough for homeowners to spot. That’s why we prefer to use a preventative product that addresses grubs as they hatch.

We can also use curative products if you’ve already noticed damage. But as we’ve mentioned, once there are signs of grub damage, those areas of the lawn may already be destroyed. You’ll either need to start over with aeration and overseeding.


We believe it’s a risk not worth taking. Grub control measures need to be taken on an annual basis to work consistently. Skipping a year may be fine, but if any beetles have laid their eggs in your lawn’s soil over the course of that last year, you can be looking at a seriously damaged lawn by mid-fall.

What is the Best Grub Control Timing?

Optimal grub control timing is important in order to get the most out of this service. Beetles fly, eat, and mate in the early summer and then lay their eggs in lawn areas. The grubs then hatch in late summer and will start feasting on your grassroots almost immediately.

This is why the best timing for preventative grub control is to proactively apply grub control products in the late spring to early summer. This will provide season-long protection against grubs.

When they do hatch, they will immediately come into contact with the product and be eradicated before they can ruin your lawn.

Do I Really Need Professional Grub Control?

As certified lawn care specialists, Joshua Tree offers grub control as part of our lawn care services and we stand behind its importance. Statistics tell us that grubs will affect most lawns each and every year, so we recommend grub and pest prevention/control on an annual basis.

Even so, homeowners will sometimes ask, Is grub control really necessary?

The fact is, it’s just not worth the risk to skip it.  The cost from prevention to full-blown control/eradication and repair will easily double if you do end up with a grub problem.

lawn care technician inspecting lawn for grubs

That’s because curative lawn grub control and eradication require the use of more expensive products. And refurbishing the lawn requires even more expensive labor and maintenance.

Lawn refurbishment includes removing the infested areas of turf, controlling the grubs that are present, and then installing a brand-new lawn through the process of sodding (or aeration and seeding).

That’s a whole lot of financial and energetic investment that could have been avoided with the simple and affordable act of grub prevention.

The cost of prevention is much more affordable.

At Joshua Tree, lawn grub control is already included in our Traditional and Premium lawn care packages. Homeowners tell us that the peace of mind it provides is important.

Investing in Professional Grub Control

At the end of the day, there’s no question that lawn grub control is essential for a healthy lawn. It’s simply not worth the gamble of a “wait and see” approach. Grub damage can happen quickly and you could end up losing valuable sections of the lawn.

At Joshua Tree Experts, we want to help you preserve the beautiful and healthy lawn that you love. That’s why we believe strongly in lawn grub control.

lawn care technician spraying the lawn for grub control in front of a nice house

If you’re going to invest in other lawn care services like fertilization and weed control, which help promote a thriving lawn, then you also want to make sure you’re taking the necessary steps to prevent pest damage.

With lawn grub control, you will gain valuable peace of mind that you’ll have a lush lawn to enjoy for years to come.

If you’d like to know more about how Joshua Tree Experts can help meet your lawn needs at your home, or you have more questions, we’re here to help! Get in touch or give us a call at 833-JTE-TREE to get free expert advice and learn more about our lawn care program options!

Image Source | Crow Feeding on Grubs

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