A Year-Round Lawn Care Schedule For Your Pennsylvania Home

When it comes to getting an amazing lawn, you might be wondering about seasonal lawn care in Pennsylvania.

Obviously, our cold winter climate means that lawns go into dormancy and a period where no lawn treatments are needed, but you still might want to make sure you’re keeping up with the proper lawn care schedule for Pennsylvania.
We’ve put together this guide to help you with just that. Understanding seasonal lawn treatments in Pennsylvania will help you ensure your lawn gets what it needs when it needs it.

Lawn Care Schedule for Pennsylvania

Though not the “start of a new year,” the start of a new season for the lawn care industry is “early spring.”

lawn care technician spraying grass with weed control

We’ll walk you through what types of treatments are needed and what time of the year they are applied, starting with early spring.

Early Spring Lawn Care

As we mentioned, the lawn care season starts in spring, usually around March, with some important treatments. Seasonal lawn treatments in Pennsylvania should include the following.

lawn care technician fertilizing lawn with walk behind spreader

The early spring is also the time when you’ll start your mowing, which people are often surprised to learn can have an impact on your lawn care results. Keep in mind the ideal mow height for most lawns in our area is around 3.5 inches, but your lawn care technician can provide more specific recommendations based on your grass type.

Late Spring Lawn Care

Now that spring is really in full swing, there’s a lot more active growth. Even though we’ve applied a crabgrass pre-emergent, you might have some breakthroughs that we will need to address.

Lawn care technician pours fertilizer into spreader

Here are what treatments we may be performing around this time.


As the weather really starts to heat up, you’ll also want to make sure that you are watering properly. An established lawn typically needs around two inches of water per week.

Early Summer Lawn Care

As the weather really heats up, you might see some different summer weeds growing. You should know that we are switching up our weed control program depending upon what is actively growing. That’s because we take a customized approach.

There are also new pests threats within the lawn that we might need to address.

lawn care technician applies liquid weed control

Here are some other seasonal lawn treatments in Pennsylvania.

Late Summer Lawn Care

By late summer, your lawn has had to deal with a lot of heat stress and potential drought. That can continue to take a toll on the lawn so it’s important to keep up with the proper seasonal lawn treatments in Pennsylvania.

lawn care expert fertilizes grass

These might include:

  • Continued weed control
  • Surface insect control
  • Nutsedge control
  • Lawn fertilization
  • Curative grub control, if grub damage was not prevented

Early Fall Lawn Care

Soon, temperatures will start cooling down. This once again changes what we might be doing with a lawn care program.

core aeration machine

  • Now is the optimal time for lawn aeration and overseeding, two of the best things that you can do for your lawn, particularly after a tough summer.
  • Continued weed control
  • Lawn fertilization

Proper watering after aeration is important to help get your new lawn off to the best possible start.

Late Fall/Early Winter Lawn Care

As our lawn care season winds down, we are still wrapping up final weed control treatments. Late fall is a great time to get ahead of weeds that are germinating now (and will pop out later).

lawn care expert pours limestone into spreader

Late fall or early winter is also the time when we apply limestone, which is a vital treatment for the acidic soils we have here in Pennsylvania.

Working with a Lawn Care Company that Has Your Back Year-Round

We know that seasonal lawn care in Pennsylvania can be confusing if you’re trying to figure it all out for yourself. But when you work with a great lawn care company, they will worry about the details for you. Since there is ideal timing to everything, it is definitely important to choose a lawn care company that will take the time of year into account and switch up products and services accordingly.

At Joshua Tree, we are always paying close attention to what your lawn needs, no matter what time of the year it is. Sometimes unexpected problems even arise which require treatments beyond what would typically be performed. But with an expert eye on your property, these can be caught early and addressed.

With a lawn care company that has your back, you can gain peace of mind that your lawn is getting what it needs, no matter what the season.


If you’d like to know more about how Joshua Tree can meet your lawn care needs or if you have any questions, we’re here to help! Get in touch with us for some free expert advice and to learn more about our lawn care program options.


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