3 Red Flags When Considering Tree Services in Bucks & Montgomery Counties, PA

If you are in need of tree services in Bucks County or Montgomery County, you might be wondering what your options are. A quick online research will reveal that there are plenty of companies to choose from. But how can you separate reputable companies from those that could be a risky choice? After all, the last thing that you want is for something to go wrong.

To help get you started in making a wise choice, we’ve rounded up a list of red flags to look out for as you search for tree services in PA. Your wise choice will be critical when it comes to getting the best results and not dealing with any unwanted hassles or headaches in the process.

Even more important, your wise choice in selecting a professional who is qualified for the work could help prevent a mistake or even a liability on your property.

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1. A Lack of Credentials

One of the first red flags to look out for as you search for tree services in Montgomery County or Bucks County is a lack of credentials. After all, you don’t want just anyone performing tree work on your property.

That’s why you need to look for a company that employs Certified Arborists.

Fortunately, tree care companies are starting to do this than when we first started out. In our early years as a company, we insisted on having Certified Arborists on staff even when it wasn’t the norm.

But even today we go above and beyond.
Certified Arborist injecting a tree
Our team has more than 60 industry-specific certifications. For tree care, this includes ISA Certified Arborists, PA Ornamental Tree & Shrub Care License, Tree Risk Assessor, Tree Climber Specialist, Aerial Lift Specialist, Chainsaw Specialist, and Chipper Operations Specialist.

Credentials are important because they help verify that you’ve hired true experts in the field. It’s a way of verifying that they take training seriously. If you ask a tree care company that you’re considering what credentials they have and they can’t answer or the credentialing is limited, it could be a red flag that they don’t make training a priority.

2. Inability to Verify Insurance Coverage

Another red flag as you seek out tree services could be a lack of insurance coverage. If you are having pruning performed or maybe having a tree removed from your property, there’s risk involved in this work. Be sure to check that the company has adequate liability insurance in the event that a mishap should occur. You do not want to be the one liable for an accident as the property owner.

Ask any tree company that you’re considering to show proof of coverage so that you can put your worries aside.Tree care technician pruning a branch

3. Questionable Online Reviews

Online reviews can be a great place to turn as you consider various tree services in Montgomery County or Bucks County. Online reviews offer the opportunity to see what other clients (both past and present) have to say about the company that you’re considering.

Most online review sites use a rating system of up to 5 stars (with 5 being the best). But what people don’t always realize is that it’s important to look at both the number of stars a company has received as well as how many reviews that have. That’s because it becomes more challenging to maintain a high rating as you gain more reviews.

If you’re truly looking for the best companies, seek out those that have a large number of reviews and a score of 4.5 or higher.

You can also take some time to read the reviews and see what reviewers have to say about the company’s performance, results, and overall customer service experience. While every company may have a bad review once in a while, if there are many of them and an overall bad rating, this should be a red flag.Tree care technician talking with a customer

Further Researching Tree Services in Montgomery County or Bucks County, PA

Hopefully those 3 red flags give you some things to watch out for as you seek out tree services near you. Those 3 concerns should all be taken as a warning sign to move on and keep looking.

Of course, even once you’ve started to narrow down your options, you should still take time to dig deeper into the companies that you are considering. One of the best ways to do this is to spend time on their website. This should be a great place to learn more about the company that you’re considering.

Take time to look at the company’s About Us page to learn more about the actual people that make up the company.

It’s also helpful to see if the company offers additional resources such as a Blog or even other free resources that can help you out. It’s often within these resources that you can learn how seriously the company takes things like safety or even who they hire. All of these factors play into whether they’re truly the best choice or not.

You shouldn’t hesitate to also reach out to any company that you’re considering to ask questions. How well they communicate during this stage of the process will give you some insight into what it will be like to work with them once you’ve hired them.Certified Arborist spraying a tree

Choosing the Best Tree Services in Bucks County and Montgomery County

As you look to make the best tree service decision, watching for these red flags and then performing some research will really pay off with helping you to feel confident that you’re making a wise choice. This can help you to avoid hassles, headaches, and accidents. By choosing a tree service with a proven track record, you can feel confident that they won’t do a poor job or make a dangerous mistake.

Of course, we understand that there’s a lot of marketing noise out there and many tree services are claiming to be the best. At Joshua Tree, we want you to know that even if you don’t choose us for our tree services, we are available as a resource to you. We are here to answer your questions and help guide you toward making the best choices for your property.

If you’re interested in having your trees inspected at your Bucks or Montgomery County, PA home so that you can gain some peace of mind, contact us for a free consultation or give us a call at 610-365-2200 so that we can answer your questions.

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