Helpful Tips About Trees, Lawns, and Pests

3 Reasons You Have Fleas in Your Yard & How To Treat it Fast

Written by Joshua Malik | Jul 18, 2022 2:04:55 PM

When it comes to having fun in your backyard, yard pests are a major party pooper. One particular pest, the flea, is a nemesis to your beloved furry family members. That’s because fleas can attach themselves to your pets and multiply. While fleas can bite humans, too, they prefer animal hosts. Not only do they cause itchy and painful bites, but they can also carry diseases.

You might be wondering what attracts fleas to your yard in the first place?

In this article, we will talk about some of the reasons there are fleas in your yard and what you can do about them. Perhaps, you don’t even know if you have fleas—you’re just worried about preventing them. Fortunately, there are solutions for that, too.

We understand that your pets are part of your family and you want to do everything that you can to protect them. Don’t worry—we’re here to help.

Why Are There Fleas in Your Yard?

When it comes to the reasons there are fleas in your yard, you should know that fleas end up in people’s yards because they are brought there by another animal.

Since fleas don’t just “end up” in your yard, let’s talk about what might be attracting animals to your yard and causing possible flea trouble.

1. Your Yard Provides Shelter

Lawn and landscape overgrowth can be excellent living quarters for rodents and other wildlife that might bring fleas to your yard. Since many of these animals like to “hide” they will take cover under overgrown bushes or amongst messy plants.

Keeping your turf mowed regularly and cutting back overgrowth can help make your yard less inviting to flea-carrying animals that want to take up residence. Keeping everything trim and tidy will also help your yard look its best (so it’s a win all around!).

Along with that, also be sure to remove any yard debris that might be laying around your yard. In the fall, pick up leaves promptly. And avoid letting any garbage or trash blow into your yard. Basically anything that is a “hiding spot” can attract animals.

The same even goes for wood piles. Wood piles can be a very common habitat for small rodents as they have everything these animals need to survive (typically water in puddle form, food in bug form, and a great hiding spot for shelter).

You can discourage rodents from taking up residence in your wood pile by covering it. Just be sure to allow enough air flow so that the wood remains in good shape.

2. Your Yard Provides Water

Animals carrying fleas often find their way into people’s yards not only for shelter (as talked about above), but also for water, too.

Getting rid of areas of standing water around your property will help to reduce drinking areas. Since standing water creates breeding grounds for mosquitoes, an added benefit is that getting rid of these areas of stagnant water should also reduce mosquito populations.

3. Your Yard Provides Food

You probably guessed this last one. Animals are in search of three key things: shelter, water, and yes, food!

Of course, getting rid of food sources can be a bit tricky as vegetation is often a food source for wildlife. It’s not like you’re going to get rid of all your landscape plants.

However, lawn grubs are another key food source and those pests can be taken care of with lawn treatments.

Actual human (or pet) food can also attract rodents and wildlife to your yard so if you’re having an outdoor party, make sure food is cleaned up promptly. If you store food in the garage or shed, make sure it’s in tightly sealed containers. And also make sure that your trash can lids are always securely on.

How Do You Get Rid of Fleas in Your Yard?

Now that you understand some of the main reasons there are fleas in your yard, you probably want to know how to deal with them. Even if you do everything that you can to eliminate sources for food, water, and shelter, chances are, some fleas may still make it into your yard.

After all, even if wildlife is just passing through, and doesn’t stay, they can still drop fleas in your yard as they do so.

For these reasons, you should still invest in professional treatment for fleas in your yard.

While it’s true that there are DIY solutions for pest control, with a pest like the flea, you want to feel confident that you’ve chosen something that works. A professional solution is going to give you the best results.

Of course, not all flea control programs are created equal.

When it comes to how to get rid of fleas in a yard, you want a program that works. That means choosing a pest control company that has well-trained technicians who will do an effective job.

At Joshua Tree, it’s an added benefit that our professional flea treatment also works on ticks and mosquitoes (two other pests that you don’t want bothering your family). Spraying for fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes will help to drastically reduce these pests and keep you and your loved ones safe.

Most importantly, our professional-grade products are safe for children, pets, and plants. We know that you’re trying to protect your family from dangerous pests and you aren’t looking to expose them to harmful products and create new risks.

Get Rid of Fleas (and Ticks and Mosquitoes) and Get Back to Enjoying your Yard

If you’ve let pests ruin your fun in the past, you want to take back control and get back to enjoying your time outside. Fortunately, you have the power to make this happen. Your wise choice in professional treatment for fleas in your yard can make a world of difference.

By making that smart choice you’ll no longer feel like you have to drag your pets or kids inside from playing, stop the party short, or be worrying every time you’re just trying to enjoy some time outside. By getting these pests out of the way, you can stop stressing and get back to enjoying your beautiful property the way it deserves to be enjoyed.

If you're interested in learning more about pest control services for your Buxmont, PA home, contact us for a free pest control quote or give us a call at 610-365-4858 so that we can answer your questions.

Image Source: Flea