Helpful Tips About Trees, Lawns, and Pests

5 Common Fall and Winter Pest Problems & How a Year-Round Pest Control Service Helps

Written by Joshua Malik | Oct 16, 2020 5:02:41 PM

As it cools down, you may feel as though your pest problems will begin to subside. You might be spending a little bit more time inside and not noticing any buzzing insects around like you did during the spring or summer.

For that reason, you might be wondering, Do I need pest control in the winter?

Unfortunately, there are plenty of pests that don’t take a break from pestering you just because it’s cooled down. In fact, certain pests ramp up their activity in the fall, while others even try to make their way inside during chillier weather.

Let’s look at 5 common fall and winter pest problems that you might experience here in the Lehigh Valley.

1. Ants Seek Shelter in Cool and Rainy Weather

Cool temperatures will not stop your ant problems. In fact, you might notice them even more as they will start to make their way inside. Ants are cold-blooded and in order to survive, they need an external source of warmth. This can drive them to find their way inside, where they’ll also be seeking out food.

Unfortunately, because ants tend to forage for food as a group, when one enters your home, you can be sure more will follow!

There are a number of different types of ants, some more common in the Lehigh Valley than others. You can learn more about these different types of ants here. But no matter what type you’re dealing with, you want to get rid of them. After all, it’s no fun to find ants on your kitchen counters, in your living room where your kids are playing, or maybe even in your bathrooms.

2. Boxelder Bugs May Use Your Home’s Siding for Sunning

Another pest to emerge in the cooler months is the boxelder bug, which is known to be a “fall invader.” Boxelder bugs are known to enter structures during the cooler months and “overwinter” in protected areas. They might seek shelter in cracks and crevices, under windows, and around foundations. But they’ll come out when the sun is shining in order to “sun themselves.” We’ve seen some situations where boxelder bugs covered the sun-facing siding of a home.

Most of all, boxelder bugs are a nuisance. They rarely bite but you still don’t want to find them all over your home. If you’re experiencing an infestation, boxelder bugs have been known to stain light-colored siding with their feces.

In order to prevent boxelder bugs from bugging you, you’ll want to consider fall pest control.

3. Fall Means More Spiders (not just for Halloween)

Spider activity increases in the fall—and we’re not just talking about the “decoration type” for Halloween, we’re talking about the real thing. This is because the fall is spider mating season and you’re naturally going to see a lot more of these creepy crawlies making their way into places where you don’t want them.

One common place where spiders tend to build their webs is around lights (which draw in a lot of flying pests that they want to capture in their webs). Of course, the last thing that you want is spiders right around your home, where they might even begin to make their way inside.

4. Crickets, Stinkbugs, Earwigs and Other “Overwintering Pests” Will Come Inside

While you think of your home as a “safe space,” it might not feel so safe and cozy when you start to think of sharing it with pests who are looking to make their way inside to “overwinter.” Overwintering pests are those that can be found on the outside during the fall but when cold months arrive will relocate inside via cracks and crevices around the foundation of your home.

Crickets, earwigs, and stink bugs are some of the common overwintering pests that we see here in the Lehigh Valley, but there are others as well. These types of pests are the reasons why you still need fall pest control.

5. Stinging Insects Ramp up Activity

Unfortunately, fall is also the time of year that certain species of stinging insects become more aggressive because they are preparing their queen for the winter. As they exhibit more “protective behavior” they may also be more likely to sting.

Compounding this behavior is the fact that natural food supplies begin to run low for many bees and wasps during the colder months. This is why you’re more likely to find them around your trash can or why you feel as though can’t be left alone if you’re trying to enjoy a meal outdoors.

While it’s important that a responsible fall pest control approach to stinging insects ensures that honeybees are safely relocated (like you, we are concerned about the declining honey bee population), other stinging insect nests require a professional dust application. Stinging insects like wasps and yellow jackets can be a legitimate threat.

Choosing Quarterly Pest Control for an Effective Year-Round Solution

Different seasons can mean types of pests. But you want to make sure that you’re protected no matter what the season.

This is where a Quarterly Pest Control Program can really shine.

At Joshua Tree, our Quarterly Pest Control program not only includes three exterior visits but also one interior visit. This truly makes sure that you’re not only covered for those insects around the home but inside the home, too. This program would cover all of the pests mentioned above, including taking proactive steps that can prevent many problems in the first place. For instance, for stinging insects, we’re employing treatments around windows, door fixtures, shutters, soffit areas, and other accessible places where bees and wasps like to make nests.

All of this should help give you peace of mind, which is important when it comes to pest control. We understand that you’re investing in this service because you don’t want to worry. When you have total coverage, all year round, you can definitely let go of those anxieties and know that you’re in good hands.

If you’re interested in learning more about our pest control services for your Allentown, Bethlehem, or Easton, PA home, contact us for a free pest control quote or give us a call at 610-365-2200 so that we can answer your questions.

Image Source: Carpenter Ant, Boxelder Bug, Wolf Spider